Dunboyne College will be holding its Open Day on Thursday 29 th Feb and further
information is available on www.dunboyne.ie
The enduring popularity of the post-Leaving Certificate further education sector as a
gateway to higher education degrees is vividly illustrated in the recently released
figures from Dunboyne College of Further Education (DCFE). The data also reveals
a growing trend where an increasing number of DCFE students are opting for the
FET route to access courses that consistently demand over 500 Leaving Certificate
Denis Leonard, Principal of Dunboyne College, says that over 90% of eligible DCFE
students who applied through the CAO in 2023 received offers based on their QQI
results rather than their Leaving Certificate points. These figures exclude offers to
mature students and those who received offers from Northern Ireland, UK and EU
In 2023, a ground-breaking total of 482 DCFE graduates secured coveted places on
Level 8 honours degree courses, with 275 receiving Level 7 ordinary degree offers.
Impressively, 498 students achieved at least one offer, with some receiving offers at
both levels. 2023 also proved particularly strong for DCFE Pre-Nursing students,
with a surge in offers from Irish universities. Over 50% of DCFE Pre-Nursing
students secured offers in Irish or Northern Irish colleges.
The majority of DCFE graduates typically apply to and accept offers from universities
and colleges within the immediate catchment area of the college, with TU Dublin
offering 267 places across Level 8 and Level 7 courses, and Maynooth University
providing 156 places.
Other Dublin-based universities also attracted applications from Dunboyne, with
DCU offering 54 places, followed closely by UCD with 36 offers, and 20 offers from
Trinity College.
While geographical location influences the majority of offers and acceptances,
DCFE’s reach extends to universities and colleges across the country, from Carlow
to Cork, Letterkenny to Limerick, Sligo to the new South East Technology University
in Waterford, and across to Galway.
Mr. Leonard identified a noteworthy trend among DCFE students securing offers for
Level 8 degree courses requiring over 500 points. Offers extended based on QQI
results rather than Leaving Certificate points included places on DCU’s Athletic
Therapy and Training and Sports Science and Health courses, as well as Law and
Commerce in UCD. DCFE students also secured places in Law, BESS, and
Biological/Biomedical Sciences in Trinity, Sports Science, Health, and Architecture in
TUD, along with Psychology and Law in Maynooth University—courses traditionally
demanding well over 500 Leaving Certificate points for a Round 1 offer.
The Dunboyne College Principal expressed concern about the trend of Pre-Nursing
students accepting offers to complete their training in UK universities and urged a
heightened focus on retaining such talent within Ireland.
The DCFE Principal emphasizes that these progression figures align with the
initiative by Simon Harris TD, Minister for Further and Higher Education, to enable
students to start their third-level experience in further education and complete the
remainder in higher education colleges. “Dunboyne College is working closely with
Maynooth University and TUD to enhance pathways in teaching, nursing,
engineering, and other areas. This approach makes economic sense and supports
student welfare by allowing them to explore their interests at the further education
level before committing to a full 4-year degree.”
Mr. Leonard acknowledges that not every student knows their preferred field of study
upon completing secondary school. “Nor should we expect them,” he says. “Opting
for the further education route allows students to explore their options, and SOLAS
data indicates that students with under 300 points have a 50% chance of completing
a higher education degree, increasing to 75% for those who complete a further
education course. After a FE course they are better placed to complete subsequent
level 7 or 8 degrees,” says Leonard. Statistics show that overall third-level dropout
rates for students who complete a Level 5 QQI course are less than 3%.
Mr Leonard also highlighted that approximately 50% of DCFE graduates complete
Pre-Employment programs, entering the workforce successfully in sectors like
childcare, healthcare, animal care, airline/tourism, business/IT, hairdressing, beauty
therapy, and professional cookery. “This diversity of opportunity on completion of a
FE course underscores that not all students should pursue full-time degree courses,
and further education offers a viable option for students to transition successfully into
the workforce in a supportive environment.”