Speaking to Meath Live, Aontú representative, Brandon Scott has said ” Motorists are travelling at excessive speeds on the School Road in Kentstown. ” Scott added ”there needs to be a committed response to ensure that children are safeguarded from the ongoing dangers.”
He had been “ informed by parents living in Kentstown, that the speed at which cars travel at on the School Road is incredibly dangerous, as it’s a straight stretch of road and cars overtake at will” are statements being made to him while canvassing in the area.
“The problems are compounded by the fact there’s a primary school on the side of the road and children regularly cross at the lights to walk to the footpath on the opposite side of the road.
“Residents have requested that traffic calming measures be introduced in the form of speed bumps, an island, or other meaningful steps to ensure that children are kept safe and away from the dangers of speeding cars.
I’ve made a representation to the Council about this issue and it really needs to be considered a priority as once children’s welfare is in danger, it’s imperative people act,” Scott concluded.