There was widespread joy as the award of the Blue Flag to Bettystown beach was announced  for the local community in the area.

Local Fine Gael Councillor and long time environment and beach enthusiast, Sharon Tolan has welcomed the announcement.  An Taisce   awarded Bettystown Beach a coveted and prestigious Blue Flag. Tolan travelled to Salthill in Galway to receive the Award on behalf of Meath County Council, along with Larry Whelan of the LA’s Environment Department.

“I am so delighted with this news! Achieving a Blue Flag for Bettystown has been an ambition of mine for many years now, at times many would have said it was only a dream and never going to be possible.

 Above ; Cllr Tolan at the award presentation with the blue flag for Bettystown Beach.

I am very proud of the part I played over the last 10 years in order to achieve this. I want to thank the amazing Bettystown Tidy Towns for their work, we would quite simply not have gotten to this day without them. Their work and dedication to enhancing and protecting the beach, education and awareness, delivering projects like the Burrows Boardwalk and marram grass planting have all been instrumental in securing the Blue Flag this year.

I am of course also very grateful to Meath County Council Executive and Staff for collaborating with me and local groups, listening and working so hard to achieve all of the complex criteria that is required for Blue Flag status.

I am delighted we have secured our Green Flag for Mornington again this year, and I am committed to seeing Flags awarded to Laytown and Gormanston into the future. We truly have a very special coastline that is deserving of these awards.” said Tolan.

Lead pic; Mayor of Galway City Cllr Eddie Hoare, Cllr Sharon Tolan, Minister Hildegarde Naughten and Larry Whelan Meath County Council.