A WORRYING WhatsApp scam pretending to be a family member or friend is already compromising victim accounts, Gardai in Meath have warned.
The scammer accesses the account of their intended victim through someone known to the victim, making the request seem urgently sent from a trusted contact. The scammer has already compromised a known friend or family member to obtain their contact directory.
“The worrying thing about this scam is that the scammer contacts their victim via WhatsApp, pretending to be a friend or a family member from their contact list,” a spokesperson from Garda Siochana in Meath confirmed. “At this stage, the scammer has already compromised the account of someone the victim knows using the same technique.”
Gardai in Meath are advising users that the escalating trend noted by the National Cyber Security Centre ‘WhatsApp Verification Code Scams’ should be aware when using WhatsApp that their data may be exposed if their account has been compromised.
Accounts may be compromised when a verification code is sent to a victim’s phone as part of the security process is shared with the scammer. On obtaining access by creating a sense of urgency from a supposed trusted source, the scammer locks the victim out of the account.
The spokesperson added: “Please activate the two-step verification on your account. Please share details with your family and friends, and don’t be caught out.”
Anyone falling victim to the scam is advised to contact support@whatsapp for assistance. If someone has gained unauthorised access to your account phone your nearest garda station or Navan Garda Station at (046) 907 9930.