Report Paul Murphy
Navan and District Historical Society membership has shot up to 116, the highest since its foundation in 2007, its annual general meeting has been told. The meeting held in the Knights of St Columbanus Hall was Amsterdam, also told that the internet has helped boost interest in the society from many parts of the globe and its website has 10,000 followers on Facebook including in Paris, Amsterdam, USA, Canada, Australia, and it has five followers in India.

Introductions were carried out by society Chairperson Paschal Marry and Secretary Manus Tiernan reported that the society had had a very busy year in 2024 when the executive committee worked tirelessly to bring the history of Navan alive. At the back end of 2023 the society sold 750 copies of its journal. Highlights of last year included an updating of the society website and the photographic presentation and lecture on the Hanley photographic collection (Dominic Muldoon reproduced the photos). There was also the launch of a model of medieval Navan (executed by Tony Foster) during Heritage Week. Mr Tiernan said that the society had grown its influence and reputation not only in
Navan and environs but beyond. This was a credit to the members and the hard working executive committee, he said.

There were two very successful Summer outings to Balrath Wood, Kentstown, and to Rokeby Hall and Barmeath Castle in Co Louth. The secretary thanked Clare Ryan for her efforts in obtaining funding for the events during Heritage Week. Meath County Council and Cllr Francis Deane were thanked for funding support.

  Peter O’Connell presenting Life Membership to Richard Farrelly at the Navan Historical and District Society AGM

“The sub-committee led by Brian Meehan relaunched our updated website in November and I have to say it is a credit to them in relation to the finished product. A huge thank you must go to Brian, Clare Ryan, Peter Connell and Mairead Crinion for their work on this”, he said.

Work has already started on the 2025 edition of the journal and the editors Mairead Crinion and Peter Connell have asked members wo promised articles to submit them as soon as possible.
Other initiatives taken by the society include the recording of talks in 2024 and available on YouTube; the purchase of a new laptop and scanner for recording of documents and photographs; the cataloguing by Sylvester and Pauline Rowe of historical items in the society; The placing of a stand with the historical society logo at street functions held in Navan (aided by Canice Smyth); work has commenced on remembering the late Ethna Cantwell of the society with the putting together of a perpetual plaque and memorial talk for students in the local secondary schools.

Members of the society, Angela Marry, Frances Rocks, Vincent Mulvany, Richard Farrelly, Bob Dier and Pascal Marry

Election of officers and committee – Chair Paschal Marry, Vice-Chair Clare Ryan, Secretary Manus Tiernan, Vice-Secretary/Membership Canice Smyth, Treasurer Patrick Curtis, Vice-Treasurer Cepta Dungan, Sergeant at Arms Paschal Marry/Patrick Curtis, PRO Angela Marry, Archivist Vincernt Mulvany, Newsletter Clare Ryan/Mairead Crinion, Committee Sean Condon, Peter Connell, Bob Dier, Norman Dungan, Richard Farrelly, Tom Finegan, Sylvester Rowe, Brian Meegan, Dominic Muldoon, Noel Foley, Damian McBride, and Frances Rocks.
A highlight of the agm was the presentation of life membership to Richard Farrelly in recognition of all his work for the society.