‘What we do in the men’s sheds is good for the body and the mind’, says Kevin
Macken, Chairman of the Slane and District Men’s Shed.
‘We organise a wide range of activities for men with a bit of time on their
hands. We have exercise classes, walking groups, indoor games, woodwork
and metalwork activities, to name a few’.
‘When men reach a certain age and especially when they are retired, they can
be very stuck for things to do and this can cause loneliness and depression.
Men’s sheds provide a healthy and engaging social outlet, Kevin says.’
‘With the LMETB we put on a number of courses each year including cookery,
mindfulness, photography, digital skills, pottery, painting, computer courses,
and others. We’ve had tremendous support from the Louth Meath Education
and Training Board’, Kevin says.

Above picture; Dermot Caldwell,Kevin Macken, and Thomas Woodward working on a field table at Slane’s Men Shed
Slane and District Men’s Shed started up in its own buildings in September
2019. The shed is open from ten to four, five days a week. It has dedicated
woodwork and metalwork areas, a computer room, fitted kitchen and separate
canteen, an exercise room with aerobic machines, and a general-purpose
recreational area that hosts training courses, physical exercise classes, cards,
music lessons, musical evenings, and games such as pool and bowls.
Kevin says that the take-up on these courses and other Shed activities shows
that ‘you can teach an old dog new tricks’, and that life does not end with
‘The Shed is a welcoming place for men to just hang out and chat or to learn
and practice new skills’, he says. ‘We’ve a very strong emphasis on activities,
both indoor and outdoor and one of our plans is to develop an outdoor bowls
area in the French style’.
This year, the Shed is partnering with Age Action Ireland to provide one to one
tutoring sessions in how to make effective use of smartphones, laptops and
other devices. Participants will have their own tutor for one to two hours a
week for five weeks, beginning in April.
‘We’d love to hear from anyone who’s interested in what we do. If anyone
wants to know more they can call us at 0866003636 or email
John O’Dowd, PRO, 0876797365 slanemenshedpro@gmail.com