Legendary Drogheda politician Frank Godfrey, a long time resident in Donore has told Meath Live he wants the seagulls currently terrorising the town to flock off!

He said, ” There’s nearly more seagulls than people in Drogheda at the moment and I know they can’t vote but if they could they wouldn’t vote for me as I want them to flock off away from the place.

‘I’ll accept they are a majestic bird and  all of that but they are causing a lot of issues for people, I mean people have been attacked by them for Gods sake, hamburgers have been snatched from peoples hands, the same with ice creams and I have even had reports of them allegedly breaking car windscreens.

‘One woman told me she got an awful belt she got a smack in the face from what she described as a dog with wings as he snatched her sandwich, they are literally in everyone’s face.

“One obvious solution is for Louth County Council to provide a sanctuary area where people can actually put food out for them that would soon take them away from the town centre.

“I would ask everyone to stop feeding them in the town itself as they are scavengers and if there is no food for them there they will go elsewhere there are solutions there but while those solutions are regularly put in place across Europe in Ireland we seem to accept it as just one of those things.”