By Meath Live Reporter

NOISE disturbances caused by aircraft using the North Runway at Dublin Airport are ongoing despite a known deviation from approved flight paths.

The €320 north runway opened to full capacity on 24 August last year. Reports of sleep deprivation, mental health issues, impacted cognition and fertility along with a rise in obesity in the area affected are being collected on the WrongWayDAA website at

Studies worldwide included on the website have found major health concerns between aircraft noise and the health of residents living nearby, the most common being due to sleep deprivation. Aircraft noise disturbances have been particularly endured in south Meath by residents of Ashbourne, Ratoath and Dunshaughlin and surrounding communities. Reports to the website include local school lessons and activities as well as children playing outside their own homes being affected.

The situation involving the flight path has been ongoing despite planning conditions imposed in 2007 by An Bord Pleanála. WrongWayDAA has said that the
unauthorised flight path has caused significant disruptions to residents in Meath and Fingal.

The daa has appealed the decision and continues to allow flights to cause the dilemma to continue. The daa wants to increase capacity to 40 million passengers at Dublin airport, advocates including Ryan Air, argue unless the numbers are lifted air fares will rise. In reality the communities continue to suffer, despite the pleas, collateral damage. The government ministers empathise but do little else. In fairness local councillors in Ashbourne and Ratoath continued to voice their concerns but still fall on deaf ears.

Pictured above, Serena Taylor, a resident of The Ward, county Dublin has voiced her concerns and how difficult life has become for her young family and husband on the farm he has grown up on for generations.