Gardai are investigating sinister threats to a county Meath community worker in a letter earlier this week. Corr spoke to Meath Live to confirm in more detail the threat that was sent to him, he said “On Wednesday morning I received a letter at my home containing a serious and direct threat against me. The sender of this letter demanded that I abandon my political and community duties, and resign my office – going so far as to outline in no uncertain terms the consequences I would face should I continue my work in service of the people of Kells and North Meath.
Cormac Corr (23), who was an unsuccessful candidate in the local elections earlier this year received the anonymous letter this week in which the writer warned him that unless he withdrew from public life he would be the victim of a “bad accident” at his next weekly clinic and that if he contacted Gardai or the media he would end up not talking, just like Jack Kennedy” the Irish/American US president assassinated in 1963.
This act of intimidation is both disturbing and reprehensible. It is a stark reminder of the challenges faced by those who serve and represent the public, where threats and abuse are sadly becoming an all-too-common occurrence. However, let me be clear: I will not be cowed by fear or violence. My principles, my commitment to the people, and my love for the town of Kells remain as strong as ever. I have always stood firm for the values I believe in, and I will continue to do so despite this attempt to silence me.
I understand the weight of responsibility that comes with my role as a community representative, and I remain fully committed to carrying out my duties on behalf of the people of this county. Threats of violence, no matter how severe, will not deter me from my mission to ensure that the voices of Kells and North Meath are heard and that their needs are placed at the forefront of political decision-making.
“I am naturally shaken, as is my family, by the content of this threat, but my resolve remains firm and unwavering. I have reported this matter to the appropriate authorities, and I want to reassure the public that my political activities will continue without disruption. I remain committed to working tirelessly to ensure that politics in this county continues to serve the best interests of the people.”
This incident is now a matter for the authorities. I wish to emphasise that the cowardly actions of an individual or group will not hinder my dedication to the people of Kells and North Meath, nor will they force me to abandon the community I serve with pride.”